Mik op de toekomst met Liberty Specialty Markets.
Het verheugt ons u uit te nodigen voor onze stand en een boeiende workshop op Ferma 2022.
Van de COVID-19 pandemie tot de bedreigingen voor het milieu en het polariserende effect van technologie, ons team van experts in Europa, Country Managers en Global Executives kijken er naar uit om met u van gedachten te wisselen over deze onderwerpen en mogelijkheden waar u mee van doen heeft en de hervorming van onze wereld in de aankomende 2 jaar.
We willen u ook graag vertellen hoe wij, als onderdeel van de Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, een wereldwijde top 6 Property & Casualty her-/verzekeraar, bedreigingen hebben omgezet in veerkracht in twee uitdagende jaren als 2020 en 2021 en hoe uw bedrijf hieruit voordeel kan halen.
Michael Harth
Antonio Sacchi
Markus Hefel
Simone Jurina
Didier Robin
Katja Bobrowski
Jorge Chao
Björn Reusswig
Arnaud Bunetel
Oliver Bayer
Denise Delaney
Lesley Harding
The future of insurance: how accelerating diversity & inclusion can help us create value and find focus
Whilst the elevation of the systemic risks agenda has been ongoing in the past few years, it has certainly accelerated thanks to the global pandemic and recent geopolitical events in 2022. The heightened pressure on many organisations is also compounded by the growing (and changing) expectations of the customers, employees, investors, regulators, the media, and society at large.
Companies are also more frequently expected to take a stance on a range of public issues that may be politically charged—such as social and racial justice, economic inequality, and climate change.
In this Leadership Pitch, Kadidja Sinz, Head of Europe and Middle East Region of Liberty Specialty Markets will provide digestible insights on:
- Managing a crisis: the benefit of a ‘people first’ strategy, drawing from the key learnings from the global pandemic;
- The preliminary steps to build resilience in a world of systemic risks; and
- How closing the diversity and inclusion gap can help firms manage disruption, create value and find focus in the hybrid-reality and future.
Today, the role of the insurance providers is critical to helping solve the world's most pressing challenges, especially as a significant transformation is gaining steam as (i) economies are emerging from the pandemic and plan for the next decade of growth, and (ii) companies are reinventing themselves in the multiyear reality of post-COVID 19, increased levels of uncertainty, pressures for efficiency, and the need to be resilient and relevant by tapping new sources of growth.
At the same time, as environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors present a change in the nature of risks to which more and more policyholders are exposed, insurers must evolve our underwriting to meet the leading edge of the industry.
Join the Liberty Specialty Markets’ expert session to find out about Climate Transition Pathways and other initiatives that LSM is developing with its clients, brokers and other partners to maintain resilience sustainably and manage transitions, together.

Denise Delaney