We provide liability protection that is suitable for businesses in the manufacturing, construction, transportation, chemicals, oil and gas, , food and beverage, utilities, wholesale and retail sectors.

The business is written utilizing a range of policy wordings which are either bespoke, standard LSM or market and/or follow form.  Our underwriting process involves a thorough analysis of the risk and industry exposure. We use our own analytical and online risk management tools, consultation with our dedicated risk engineering team, and input from our in-house claims experts to provide a fully integrated underwriting, claims and risk management approach. In this way we can offer our clients an all-encompassing risk transfer solution.

Product Information:

Our casualty insurance features include:
Target Markets:

  • Manufacturing (not including, for example, pharmaceutical companies, gun manufacturers or manufacturers of tobacco)
  • Construction
  • Transportation
  • Chemicals – High Excess
  • Oil and gas – High Excess
  • Retail operations
  • Food and Beverage
  • Utilities


  • General/Public Liability – on a primary and excess basis
  • Product Liability – on a primary and excess basis
  • Employers’ Liability – on a primary and excess basis
  • Environmental Impairment Liability – on a primary and excess basis

Line Size:

  • Primary/low excess:  Up to Euro 25 million
  • High excess:  Up to Euro 50 million
  • Environmental Impairment Liability: Up to Euro 25 million
  • Maximum limit: Euro 50 million any one program