Energy production can be a dangerous business, and our Exploration and Production insurance provides protection to owners and operators around the world against a wide range of risks for both their Offshore and Onshore operations.

We offer a broad range of energy-related products from our Company and Lloyd’s of London platforms that allow you to transfer your exploration and production risk exposures. We can help protect you against the risks of physical loss or physical damage to your property, resultant business interruption, control of well and re-drilling expenses, and third party liabilities.

Product information:

Our Exploration and Production insurance features include:

Target risks:

  • Owner/Operators involved in identification, extraction, processing and the production of hydrocarbons (Oil and Gas)
  • Offshore Construction: Offering coverage for Owner managed projects for the fabrication, load-out, transits, installation and hook-up of fixed/floating units, subsea equipment and associated pipelines and platform modifications
  • Owners Yard Construction: Offering coverage of owners’ yard risks including the fabrication of semi-submersible drilling units, jack ups, drill ships and FPSOs

Coverage afforded for operations both onshore and offshore:

  • All risks of physical loss or damage
  • Control of Well (OEE)
  • Business interruption
  • Third party liability
  • Offshore construction
  • Coverage is provided on a worldwide basis to a client base that includes national oil companies, major integrated energy companies and independent operators in the oil and gas sector
  • Our Exploration and Production team aims to provide exemplary service to existing and new clients in a constantly evolving industry. From extending the life of existing field assets to the exploration of new and untapped energy fields
  • Our Risk Engineering offers clients and brokers access to global risk engineers with extensive experience in the oil/gas and marine industry.
  • We have claims leadership capability with a global network of in-house adjusters

Line size:

USD 100 million any one platform or complex all interests combined

