As part of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, our history dates back to 1912 when Liberty Mutual, then Massachusetts Employees Insurance Association (MEIA), began writing Workers' Compensation policies.

Notable milestones


LM Re moved from LSM


Luxembourg headquarters of LMIE opened

Man making speech
The opening event of our Luxembourg LMIE headquarters


Liberty Mutual creates Global Risk Solutions, the B2B arm of Liberty Mutual. Ironshore International and LIU become part of LSM, creating a global business across Europe, LatAm, Bermuda, AsiaPac and the US


Liberty Specialty Markets created, merging our Commercial, Specialty and Reinsurance businesses

Liberty Specialty Markets logo
The Liberty Specialty Markets logo.


Liberty Syndicate 4472 formed from merger of Syndicate 190 and 282 – the first syndicate at Lloyd’s with 100% corporate capital

Exterior view of lloyds of london during the day
The Lloyd’s of London building, where you will find the Liberty Syndicate 4472.


Our Cologne Reinsurance office opens, the first Lloyd’s syndicate to operate outside London

Liberty Mutual reinsurance logo
The Liberty Mutual Reinsurance logo.


Liberty International Underwriters (LIU) is formed, later rebranding as Liberty Specialty Markets


Liberty Mutual backs Lloyd’s Syndicates 190 and 282


Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe (LMIE) was formed – now the platform for our European business


Liberty Mutual established its first Assumed Re capability (later LM Re)


Almost a third of our employees (over 1,500 men and women) served in the armed forces during the Second World War - over 70% continued to work at Liberty after the war


MEIA was rebranded to Liberty Mutual Insurance Company


The first Liberty branch office was opened in 1914, and later that year, the company wrote its first automobile insurance policy


Liberty Mutual was founded in 1912 as the Massachusetts Employees Insurance Association (MEIA)